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Confessions - 20.4%
Secrets - 10.7%
Affairs - 9.7%
Other - 7.8%
Fear - 7.8%
Obsession - 5.8%
Not For Parents - 5.8%
Lust - 5.8%
Regret - 5.8%
Secret Crush - 4.9%
Anger - 4.9%
Uncommon Behavior - 3.9%
Cheating - 2.9%
Stealing - 1.9%
Revenge - 1.0%
Make A Wish - 1.0%

"my secret it that i really like to look at other
men naked. i am fascinated by their penis, just
hanging there waiting to be awakened. where
other guys talk about girls i think about guys i
know. i am most turned on by older men,
especially men who do work with their hands, and
especially truck drivers. i hang out at truck
stops and urinals just to get a peak. more than
once i've been caught looking and more than once
i've followed him into his truck and given a bj.
i feel really bad afterwards, but when i get home
i masturbate remembering with every detail what i
just did."