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Confessions - 20.4%
Secrets - 10.7%
Affairs - 9.7%
Other - 7.8%
Fear - 7.8%
Obsession - 5.8%
Not For Parents - 5.8%
Lust - 5.8%
Regret - 5.8%
Secret Crush - 4.9%
Anger - 4.9%
Uncommon Behavior - 3.9%
Cheating - 2.9%
Stealing - 1.9%
Revenge - 1.0%
Make A Wish - 1.0%

"I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year now..and it's really great...sometimes i even think that he's the one.We met at work and i guess that's another reason why we are so close.
A couple of months ago, he went to australia for exploring...just for experience.
Before he left, he told me about this guy we work with named Xavier that has had his eye on me and to be careful because he tends to like girls and will go to the extreme to get what he wants. I listened and kinda took his advice into consideration. But about a week ago, i went out to a club with some people from work including Xavier. That night, i guess i drank a little too much and Xavier came to talk to me and all i was doing was jumping around to the music and before i knew it, he came close to me and kissed me. It only lasted for about two seconds but i don't remember what i did when tha happened...did i kiss him back for that two tiny seconds? what if i did? does that mean i cheated on my bf? I know that i didn't mean to..but i cant help but feel guilty. When he comes back, he's going to be devastated escpecially after warning me about xavier.
i feel like i should tell him but im afraid to lose him."